понедельник, 20 декабря 2010 г.

We are Freaks

As they pulled you out of the oxygen tent,
You ask for the latest party,
With your silicone hump and your ten inch stump,
Dressed like a freak you was,
Todd Browning’s freak you was.

(David Bowie, Brillant Dogs)

В фильме снималась самая впечатляющая группа актёров с физическими отклонениями за всю историю кинематографа
Тод Броунинг пригласил на кастинг большинство известных цирковых уродцев из всех бродячих цирков США. Современники оказались не готовы к предложенному фильмом уровню откровенности. Никакие цензурные сокращения не могли спасти «Уродов» от провала в прокате и фильм на три десятилетия оказался похоронен в студийном архиве. Фильм был запрещен к показу в целом ряде стран (в частности, в Великобритании и в Австралии) и американских штатов и городов (некоторые из этих запретов официально не сняты до сих пор и формально считаются действующими). По легенде, студия была так напугана негативной реакцией публики на фильм, что на всякий случай уничтожила его негатив.

В 1961 году фильм был заново открыт и быстро приобрёл культовый статус. 
Он оказал большое влияние на нонконформистские культурные течения 1960-х годов — например, на классика современной фотографии Диану Арбюс. В 1967 году фильм удостоился специальной экспозиции в нью-йоркском Музее современного искусства. В 1994 году фильм, как имеющий большое художественное значение, был внесён в Национальный кинореестр США. Фильм Дэвида Линча «Человек-слон» (The Elephant Man, 1980) был снят под прямым влиянием «Уродов».

"There are only two kinds of freaks, Ladies and Gentlemen –
Those created by God, and those created by man. Look if you must!"

The idea of remaking Tod Browning’s (Dracula, London After Midnight, The Unholy Three) infamous Freaks (1932, B&W) is an intriguing one. Browning’s classic horror tale of love, greed, deceit, and revenge (adapted from Tod Robbins’ story Spurs) is told in flashback with the simple framing device of a carnival barker explaining the sideshow freak’s code of honor: "Offend one – and you offend them all!" He then directs the crowd’s attention to the off-screen Thing-in-the-Pit. A woman screams at the sight of the hideous human monstrosity, and the barker begins his spiel: "Friends, she was once a beautiful woman . . . "

The beautiful, but scheming trapeze artist, Cleopatra, aided by her dimwitted lover, Hercules the Strong Man, formulate a plan to steal love-smitten Hans the midget’s inheritance money by seducing wee Hans into marrying Cleopatra and then doing away with him. They wed, and in the strangest wedding party ever filmed, the freak fraternity (comprised of real ‘human oddities’: Pinheads, the Human Skeleton, the Living Torso, Siamese Twins, the Arm-less Girl, the Leg-less Man, the Bird Girl, the Bearded Lady, the Half-Woman/Half-Man) accept Cleopatra into their fold, passing around and sharing wine from a loving cup as they chant the weird refrain:

Tod Browning's "freak" family on the set of Freaks.
"We accept her / One of us / Gooble, gobble / Gooble, gobble / We accept her / One of us!"

This despite the fact that she has been drunkenly flirting with Hercules and ridiculing Hans (who’s champagne she has already poisoned) throughout the wedding feast. Cleo is appalled when offered the loving cup and savagely attacks their overtures of friendship and family, screaming: "Freaks! Freaks! Freaks! Get out!"

The subsequent revenge of the freaks provides some of the more spine-chilling screen images ever seen in a horror movie of that time (and they still retain a classic grotesqueness today) as they stalk their victims through the rain-soaked mud between the carny trailers. The stark black and white images, forbiddingly lit by the flashing lightning storm, of the deformed knife-wielding figures squirming through the muck are unforgettably unsettling and disturbing. (The movie was banned in England for years and helped destroy director Browning’s career.)

The flashback ends as the barker concludes his story. In the final frames we see Cleopatra’s punishment: mutilated by the freaks, the once beautiful woman has been left a mindless, clucking horror; dressed up as a feathered, leg-less freak attraction -- forever more "One of us" with those she had wronged.

In summation: Tod Browning’s original Freaks is must viewing for every horror fan interested in the early classics of the genre. She Freak, on the other hand, earns my Crow T. Robot "I want to kick this movie in the groin!" Award for all-round incompetence in horror film making.

Steven Thorpe
Archives From The Crypt

Freaks (1932)
 Rating: 7.7/10
Runtime: 64min
Language: English
Country: USA
Color: Black & White

Description: A carnival barker displays a sideshow freak called the Feathered Hen and tells her story. Cleopatra, a trapeze artist with the carnival, is adored by a midget named Hans. Frieda, Hans' fiancée (also a midget), warns Hans that Cleopatra is only interested in him so that he will give her money. Cleopatra has an affair with Hercules, and when Frieda lets it slip that Hans is to come into an inheritance, Cleopatra and Hercules plan to get the money be having Cleopatra marry Hans. During the wedding reception, Cleopatra, although openly romantic with Hercules, is accepted by the freaks, but is revolted and mocks them. The freaks decide that they no longer need Hercules in their carnival and have a new career for Cleopatra all lined up, and make sure she doesn't "chicken" out.
This film was banned for 30 years. And is still banned in Sweden, Finland and Ireland.

* my art: Piccolo Stronzo [Маленький засранец - в оригинале Пиздец Мальвине
(by Igor Vaganov)

3 комментария:

  1. милые, очаровательные, в чем-то наивные, но очень искренние лица - спасибо! все нараспашку, ничего не скрыть - ни чувств, ни достоинств, ни недостатков... а настоящими уродцами я считаю тех, кто запретил такой шедевр!

  2. да, и спасибо еще раз за юного уничтожителя Мальвин ))))

  3. :-) я надеюсь тебе понравится Freaks, Том. особо если не знаешь его... очень люблю этот фильм. классный. и вовсе не хоррор. жизнь в реале больше и хоррор, и freaks ...ты права
